Life After Kindermusik!

Yes, life does go on. But after spending 15 years, eating, sleeping and dreaming all things Kindermusik as a weekday ministry to children, it’s been quite a transition. Not that I’ve really stopped making music, since Miss Andrea and I continue to invest in children and families through the Mother Goose Music Time Program we are creating.

We offer studio classes in our Linglestown location where caregivers and children come  together once a week, for the ever enjoyable singing, dancing, reading and rocking activities. We now use Barefoot Books as the basis of our program and lots of public domain songs and of course Nursery Rhymes. We explore all the musical concepts the little ones love, fast and slow, high and low, loud and soft … so that part of life continues.

Miss Andrea also takes this musical instruction into several daycares and brightens the hearts and minds of children there.

What has changed is my day to day involvement with mommies and children and that part I miss. So much so, that I’ve figured out a way to carry on my mission, from my cozy, family friendly home!

Over this past year I’ve heard mommies comment time and time again on the need for some type of drop off childcare program so they could go to a Doctor appointment, get their hair done, buy groceries, clean their house or just take a nap. And so the idea for … “Little Ones Day Out” was born. (Although I did consider calling it “Rent-a-Nana”, close enough!)

I’m excited to give it a try. I have been busy catching up on projects at home to prepare and I think I’m ready to say … Welcome Little Ones!

Monday March 17, will be the lucky day! I’m having a few moms over to start (by invitation) that have been encouraging and supporting me behind the scenes and I’d like to get a little more input from them. I’m still in the gathering ideas, taking suggestions and formulating exactly how all this could work, stage. If you are interested in being updated on my progress, send me an email or facebook message and we’ll keep in touch.

According to day care regulations I can care for 6 children maximum without having full day care licensing. I actually did a program similar to this in my home in Chester County before moving to Palmyra and it worked very well, so I’m anticipating the same thing will happen here. I am planning to start by offering this service just one day a week.

So that’s the latest with me. Now back to the list of projects that still need to be done before March 17 or actually March 10 when our son, his wife and our three grandchildren come to visit. Another fun day to say … Welcome Little Ones!

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A Momentous Day – August 5, 2013

IMG_6572It’s hard to believe it, but it’s true. 15 years ago on this very day I became a licensed Kindermusik Educator. Now 15 years later, I have closed this chapter of my life! Today the ownership of my Palmyra Kindermusik location has been transferred to “Miss Kristen”, one of the wonderful teachers in my program. I wish her all the best as she continues to bring music and movement to the lives of the children in our community.

I will continue to operate “Mother Goose Time Music”, a program that I offer to children in the daycare setting which is taught by another wonderful teacher “Miss Andrea”. The Jonestown and Linglestown studio class locations will now be using this new curriculum that Miss Andrea and I are developing. I will also continue to sell Barefoot Books.

Many thanks go to the wonderful teachers I have had in my program over the years and to the many parents who have supported me in my endeavors to help strengthen families through music.

I am grateful now for the opportunity to spend more time investing in the six amazing grandchildren our family has been blessed with and I look forward to getting back to one of my first loves – sewing!!!

There is a Bible verse that has been coming to me lately … it says “She did what she could.” from Mark 14:8. This was also a favorite verse of the famous hymn writer Fanny Crosby. As I reflect on my life work so far, it reminds me that I wasn’t able to do all that I would have liked to, or hoped to, but … I did what I could.

With a song in my heart,
Carol Anne

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Carol Anne is on sabbatical …

I am currently on a sabbatical from my ministry to families through Kindermusik, to pursue a new ministry opportunity in my own family.

On Nov 5 I became the full time nanny to my new baby grandson Charlie in Chester County. My wonderful teachers are carrying on the Kindermusik program here and keeping the song and dance going in my absence. How thankful I am to God for this new little life, to my daughter and son-in-law for this once in a lifetime opportunity, and to my husband who was one of the first to suggest this idea to me. Babies only have one first year, and since I did the child care for each of his sisters in their first year, I’m happy for health and strength to continue the tradition with baby Charlie. Welcome Little One!

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BIG Announcement!

“Kindermusik with Carol Anne Friesen” is pleased to announce that Kindermusik
International has awarded us a “Ruth D Anderson Fund Scholarship” in the amount of 12 Kindermusik Family Time Home Material Kits (a $720 retail value). This is for a very special cause that we are proud to say we are partnering with.

We have been asked to participate in the “Circles Initiative” program
that will be starting in Palmyra this fall.

This is a national program that uses a relationship based anti-poverty initiative which partners persons who want to work their way out of poverty (called Circle Leaders) with individuals who want to journey with them (called Allies) as they move toward personal sustainability.

According to the statistics 1 in 5 families in the Palmyra Area School District live under the poverty line ($25,000 annual income) and 125 students receive subsidized lunches in the elementary schools.

There are community leaders, churches, and social services professionals that will be helping the 15 targeted families that will be participating in the Circles Initiative, to be successful in overcoming poverty. Our involvement at “Kindermusik with Carol Anne Friesen” will be in providing programming for the youngest children while parents attend their weekly evening mentoring class over the 16-week program. The weekly classes will be held at Palmyra Church of the Brethren, 5:30 to 8:00pm, supper included, starting mid-September.

As the Owner/Director of Kindermusik with Carol Anne Friesen, I have been specifically asked by the local organizer to bring Kindermusik to these children. I am excited about the possibility of making a lasting impact on children that can dramatically change their future, not only through the results of the classes their parents will be attending but also through the experiences I can provide the parents and children through the world’s premier music and movement program, that they would not otherwise be able to afford.

As a leader in our community who specializes in empowering parents, and encouraging children, I value the wonderful opportunity that the Ruth D Anderson Fund Home Material Scholarship allows me to offer these families. In addition it will be a great feeling of accomplishment for me to be able to give back to my community in this way.

I cannot do this alone. Other Kindermusik educators in my program and in the area are being asked to volunteer their time in this effort as well as other local early childhood educators and Kindermusik parents. For as we all know, it really does “take a Village”.

If you would like to participate as a volunteer in any way, in this worthwhile cause, please contact me at 717-756-8160 or by email at

For more information about Palmyra Circles go to
You can also “Like” their facebook page.

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We’re in the News!

Palmyra, PA – Carol Anne Friesen has been named a Maestro in Outreach and a Maestro Producer by Kindermusik International, the world’s leading publisher of music and
movement programs.

Carol Anne is a lifelong Early Childhood Educator and the Owner/Director of “Kindermusik with Carol Anne Friesen”. She teaches Kindermusik in Palmyra, Hershey, Jonestown and is opening a new location this summer in Linglestown. The Maestro in Outreach award recognizes excellence in serving large numbers of children that wouldn’t usually be reached by the program. Her program also received the Maestro Producer Mezzanine Level award for being in the top 5% of Kindermusik programs around the world, based on size.

“The Kindermusik Maestro has a mission: helping children become better learners and helping parents understand how to help them reach their highest potential,” said Michael Dougherty, CEO at Kindermusik International.

Carol Anne joins the elite company of the 300 Maestros identified as the top Educators of the over 5,000 licensed educators in the world who teach Kindermusik’s music and movement curricula.

Friesen began providing Kindermusik in Palmyra in January of 2010. Since then her program has quickly grown to serve over 130 children today. Five teachers have now joined her growing team and her program offers daytime and evening classes so working parents can also be involved. Birthday parties and Play & Learn Classes are also being added this fall along with a new online registration system that will allow parents more flexible and convenient payment methods.

“As a new Palmyra resident I was looking to serve the young families of our community in a way that would empower parents and encourage children. I had no idea the classes would take off the way they did. There really is a great need in this area for programing for the youngest members of the family.”

“I was honored and humbled to receive this award from Kindermusik and in such a short time after establishing my program here.” said Friesen. Both years since starting her program here Friesen has achieved Maestro in Outreach status and after teaching Kindermusik for 14 years in various places she has resided around the country this was the first time she received the Maestro Producer award.

The Maestro Program recognizes licensed Kindermusik educators who master one or more levels in early childhood development: fast-growing programs, outstanding community service, and teaching excellence.

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Sunny and 73 Degrees …

… is the forecast for
“Spring Fling”
next Saturday, May 12, 9 – 2pm
… perfect weather for the Kindermusik Pied Piper event that we are planning for 10:30am! Our talented teachers will be leading the way and you’ll be following along, singing and dancing, accompanied by the flute, the saxophone, train whistles and the guitar!

Before and after this Kindermusik family friendly feature you’ll be able to join in the other festivities of the day:
Yard Sale/Flea Market
Car Wash
Games and Prizes
Bake Sale
Lunch Menu – hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, sodas, etc

Meet the Kindermusik teachers and friends by 10:15 in the Children’s Activity Area with hoola hoops, bubbles and balls. There’ll also be a Duck Pond, a Lollipop Tree, a Bean Bag Toss and more! Games are only a quarter to play and playing gets you tickets for prizes!

So much family fun for the whole community!
Mark your calendar now!
Hope to see you and your “little ones” there!

PS Currently enrolled families – be sure your child wears their red Kindermusik t-shirt. Don’t have one? You can purchase one in the Stay & Play Cafe this week. All proceeds go to our classroom painting project (Palmyra location).

Not enrolled yet? Come join in the fun and experience the magic that is Kindermusik and check out our summer schedule!

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Spring Semester Slideshow!

Get ready to enjoy 4 months of Kindermusik learning and fun in two minutes!!!

Here’s some of what you’ll see … Village, Our Time, Family Time, ABC Music & Me, Pre-Keyboarding, Shiny Dinah, Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, special snacks, new babies, twins, granddaughters, FREE Play Day, Dancing with the “Stars”, Zumba Fundraiser to honor baby Vi, Play & Learn Classes, Kindermusik with Seniors PlayDate, Dr Seuss Breakfast, Easter Egg Hunts, Jonestown, Palmyra, friends, teachers, helpers, and most of all the wonderful community of families that is “Kindermusik with Carol Anne Friesen”!

Did you see yourself or your child? Post a note on our facebook page to let us know and be entered in a drawing to win one of 5 classroom instruments for your child!

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What this Easter means to me …

The facebook easter greetings seem to be eggs-tra special this year (okay, I agree that was cheezy, but I couldn’t resist). Maybe we all need a good dose of spring, new life and most of all hope. Hope that as the seasons change, so can our outlook and our perspective, even though our circumstances may be the same.

That’s what’s happening to me this year. It’s been a tough few months since my dad died, and further back since we moved here and experienced all the trauma, change and upheaval that comes with a new address. There are many things in my life that are still unfamiliar, uncomfortable and well … just plain unacceptable, but today there is also HOPE.

Hmmm, after re-reading what I just wrote, I’m thinking that there is Someone Else who can identify with those feelings. Someone who left all that was familiar for a new address and all the trauma, change, upheaval that would bring. A life that was unfamiliar, uncomfortable and in many ways unacceptable. And to top it all off, His best friend died and those He trusted the most betrayed Him.

It has occurred to me during this Lenton season that there is nothing that has happened to me that Jesus hasn’t also experienced. That’s a comfort to know in itself.

But He didn’t stop there. He went on to experience our greatest enemy, our greatest fear and all that goes along with loss, grief, death and dying. He carried on, determined to fulfill his heavenly Father’s plan for Him, no matter the cost. And it did cost him everything, including his precious life.

All so that on this Easter Day, as the beneficiaries of all His goodness and sacrifice, we can say, … oh death where is your sting? oh grave, where is your victory? And isn’t that what we all want to do … cheat death? the death and loss we face everyday … loss of dreams, loss of relationships, loss of life itself.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God, For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. … We do not want you to be uninformed … about the hardships we suffered … We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.” (2 Corinthians 1:3 – 9)

That’s it!!! That’s why … “we do not want you to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. … And so we will be with the Lord forever … Therefore encourage each other with these words.” (I Thessalonians 4:1 – 18)

What a hope! … or as one facebook friend posted … “If Jesus Christ is still in the grave, nothing matters. But if He came out of the grave, nothing but that really matters.”

Happy Easter!

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We LOVE Kindermusik Week … is extended!

It’s certainly been a great “We LOVE Kindermusik” Week … concluding with 27 of us at a wonderful “Kindermusik with Seniors” PlayDate last Friday.

The testimonials that you’ve posted on our blog and on facebook have been so heartwarming and touching. As teachers we are blessed by your kind words and so happy to hear how Kindermusik is making a difference for you everyday.

Here’s a sample of what we’ve been enjoying …

“Kindermusik has been a constant in our lives for over a year, and is so much more than a music class. It is heartwarming to see my son excited for class and also to sing the songs and do the activities from class at home. Often times Kindermusik songs provide the soundtrack to our lives – from CDs in the car, to class songs at the changing table, to the ever important “clean-up” song – which my husband even sings! The environment has also provided a unique and much needed opportunity to connect with other moms to learn from and share with each other. My son and I have both enjoyed and benefited immensely from this class!” from Kate (mom of Ben)

Fact is … we’ve been having such a great celebration that we’re extending the week into “We LOVE Kindermusik” month!!! and we’re planning a special bring a friend “Kindermusik LOVES You” event as a conclusion …

Tuesday, February 28, 9:30 to 11:30 join in the fun of a “Kindermusik FREE Play Day” at our Palmyra location at Trinity United Church of Christ Fellowship Hall, 40 W Pine St. Totally FREE, totally fun and totally open to anyone!

Babies, toddlers and preschoolers will enjoy a morning out to run, jump and have unstructured play in a big wide open room with beach balls, hula hoops, tents and tunnels, while moms chat and connect. We are celebrating We LOVE Kindermusik Month and how much the community of families has grown. You’ll be able to see all we have to offer and what’s *NEW* for Spring.

Rumor has it that a Kindermusik Flash Mob may break out and in Pied Piper fashion engage everyone in singing, dancing and interactive play. So beat the winter blahs and join in this fun event.

Admission is FREE but a donation of a canned good, diapers or wipes for the Caring Cupboard in Palmyra would be appreciated. For more information call Carol Anne Friesen at 717-756-8160 or check our facebook page at “Kindermusik with Carol Anne Friesen”.

So keep your comments on our blog and on facebook coming. We’ll do our drawing for a FREE Summer session of Kindermusik on Saturday March 3.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, Feb 28 and be sure to let your friends know that they are welcome to attend also.

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We LOVE Kindermusik week is coming … Feb 13 to 18

There’s no denying it … We Love Kindermusik and we know you do, too!
Join in the fun of celebrating with other families, children and educators around the world … here’s how …

#1. Show your love for Kindermusik and “tell” us about it here on our blog. Post a comment about why you love Kindermusik and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a FREE 5-week summer session of Kindermusik (an $85 value).

#2. Then go to our “Kindermusik with Carol Anne Friesen” facebook page and click “like”. That will give you 2 more entries in our drawing. Already liked us? then you’ve already got 2 entries!

#3. Be sure to have your child wear their red Kindermusik t-shirt to class the week of February 13 – 18. Don’t have a Kindermusik t-shirt? Purchase one in class this week. Cost is just $7 and all the proceeds will go to our classroom painting project.

Spread the love!

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