Operation Christmas Child 2011

Every year around this time my granddaughters and I pack our shoeboxes for “Operation Christmas Child” and this year I’d like to invite you to join with us. It’s a great way to teach little ones about giving to others and a wonderful way to share hope and love with children in difficult situations around the world.

There are several ways you can participate:
1) pack your own shoebox (with soap, toothbrush, small toys and school supplies, etc) and bring it class the week of Nov 7
2) donate any items (listed above) and help us pack boxes after class on Nov 9 or 10 (Palmyra location)
3) give $7 to help send a box
4) come to “Kindermusik Sunday” on Nov 13 at 9AM at Trinity United Church of Christ in Palmyra where the Kindermusik children (and a caregiver) have been invited to bring the boxes, sing a song and send off the boxes with love and a prayer!

Please know that your participation is completely optional and you can join in at whatever level you are comfortable with.

Together we’ll experience the power of A Simple Gift!

Here’s a video I put together last year of my granddaughters and I and my husband packing our shoeboxes, then taking them to our church and on to the drop-off location in Hershey. That’s where the real journey begins as they are sent around the world to children in difficult situations with love and hope!

Click here for Operation Christmas Child Video

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